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Sales Hotline: 0411-87519380
Company address: Dalian warehousing storage area free trade zone, South Road 84-07 Hai Qing

Dear colleagues:

Stand on a new starting line, we are full of confidence;

Our goal is clear, the pace of a firm;

We have never stopped but not be anxious for success, the pace of progress,

The industry praise makes us know more clearly;

Reputation and service is the survival of the kim;

Wisdom and diligence can be based on the world stage,

Today's brilliant past, only shows that we

Unremitting efforts to have a bright future.

Faith moves mountains, mountains; integrity enterprises, moral world;

To provide customers with first-class products and services most is our eternal pursuit aboutgold!

The wind and rain, Dalian reach-all Kim logistics group every wonderful transformation withpartners and industry experts continue to urge and encourage, and the majority of customerstrust and love be consistent from beginning to end. We Ginde people always be thankful to all this in mind.

From the initial stage to the growth stage of the tenacious struggle hard across the bridge,Dalian Rui Jin logistics group is not only entrepreneurs ignite passion and dream of flyingplatform, is about to assume responsibility, carry out the mission of gold, realize the value oflife.

In Dalian reach-all Kim Logistics Group on the road of growth, continue to grow in the gold depolymerization under the excitation of the ideal and ambition, extremely hard and bitter,proceed without hesitation, hand in hand and be in perfect sympathy with each other. To create extraordinary results in the extraordinary position, each logistics project are interpretedinto a magnificent career.

Man road as the iron, now moving more from scratch. We think, the enterprise and the individual value is not have today how much assets and property, but also continue to createeconomic value can create more social value.

In the future, the development strategy of Dalian reach-all Kim Logistics Group will focus ondomestic and international logistics field, with a firm belief, stand on solid ground, forge ahead. Strive to create a worthy customers and employees, worthy of society and the era of outstanding achievements, struggling to gold, the pursuit of sustainable de I won't change any day career to new heights.

General manager: Li Jinzhong
