- 【金德】关于清舱的二三事
- 发布来源:本站 发布时间:2016/8/9 12:56:14
首先需要说明的是清舱是船东的责任。能否通过验舱也是船东的责任,除非是做time charter里面的中间航次(当然一切都要看Charter Party Clause)。大部分的time charter会规定中间航次的扫舱责任,比如下面的BIMCO关于中间扫舱的条款,船东就不必负责过验舱,所有扫舱需要的化学品也会由租家去承担。
(a) The Charterers may request the Owners to direct the crew to sweep and/or wash and/or clean the holds between voyages and/or between cargoes against payment at the rate of ……. per hold, provided the crew is able safely to undertake such work and is allowed to do so by local regulations. In connection with any such operation the Owners shall not be responsible if the Vessel's holds are not accepted or passed. Time for cleaning shall be for the Charterers’ account.
(b) All cleaning agents and additives (including chemicals and detergents) required for cleaning cargo holds shall be supplied and paid for by the Charterers. The Charterers shall provide the Owners with a dated and signed statement identifying cleaning agents and additives that, in accordance with IMO Resolution 219(63) Guidelines for the Implementation of MARPOL Annex V, are not substances harmful to the marine environment and do not contain any component known to be carcinogenic,mutagenic or reprotoxic.
(c) Throughout the currency of this Charter Party and at redelivery, the Charterers shall remain responsible for all costs and time, including deviation, if any, associated with the removal and disposal of cargo related residues and/or hold washing water and/or cleaning agents and detergents and/or waste . Removal and disposalas aforesaid shall always be in accordance with and as defined by MARPOL AnnexV, or other applicable rules.
1. 一定要考虑到下一载货对货舱有什么样的要求,清洁货还是脏货;
2. 现在船上的货卸完之后,有没有足够的时间清舱,并保证在装下一载货之前ready to load the intent cargo;
3. 如果上一载是脏货,比如Petcoke,下一载货是对验舱有很高要求的清洁货,比如grains, alumina,还要考虑即使有时间做大舱,也会有很高的风险fail holds inspection;
如果装清洁货,一般租家都会要求船东提供last 3 or last 5 cargoes,还会要求船东提供 photos to show the holds’ condition。现在好多Operator都是拿的COA,他们会更紧张船能否pass holds inspection,因为他们对他们的合同方,比如shippers,负有责任提供一条大舱状况好适合装货的船。如果fail holds inspection,可能分分钟Shippers就不会再给货了。话说回来,如果failed holds inspection,让船东头疼的事情就来了,一般船会被强制离泊去锚地继续做大舱。会被off-hire不说(天经地义的嘛),船员如果无法清洁到surveyor满意的程度,还得叫岸上的清理公司帮忙清舱,这一来一回费用就多了去了。被off-hire的租金和油耗损失、船移泊的费用shiftingcost + pilotage+anchorage dues if any、launch boat等交通费用、shore labor的费用、PNI surveyor费用、代理的coordination/agencyfee等等,都会算在船东头上。以后有机会再讲讲这些细节的东西。
笼统的讲cargo holds cleaning的步骤大概分下面几步,不同货物会有不同的特殊要求:
1. clean/sweep/pick up residues – 就是要把上一载剩下的货渣都清理干净;
2. Sea water wash holds – 用海水洗一遍(因为海水不花钱);
3. Sea water wash hatch covers, main deck and decks around holds etc – 总之还得还把甲板什么也得冲干净;
4. Chemical wash if necessary – 化学品挺贵的,要省着用,好钢用在刀刃上嘛。装完iron ore再装coal就绝对没有必要用化学品了。装什么货物之后大舱需要用化学品清洗这个以后再讲,主要是那些有油的货物需要apply chemical;
5. Fresh water wash – 用淡水洗。这一步对装钢材尤其重要,具体以后再表。
6. Pick up/disposeremaining cargo – 冲冲洗洗之后可能还有货渣要清理掉;
7. Clean and dry upbilges – 清理舱底污水管;
8. Fit burlap on bilgecovers;
9. Spot check/derust loose paint – 除锈很重要,也是经常装清洁货大舱日常保养的一部分;
10. Spot touch up and paint as required – 补油、刷漆(这跟平时补妆差不多嘛);
11. Final check beforearrival – 整体检查。
总之,作为小船的操作,monitor cargo holds cleaning至关重要(如果是做capesize的除了iron ore就是coal,那就没必要去monitor了)。